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Student Study Team (SST)

Student Study Team (SST)

While most students demonstrate the ability to make good academic and social progress in a typical general education setting, there will always be some students that need additional support. When a student is experiencing difficulty in school, responsive action by all involved with the student is essential. Some students need interventions to address different learning styles, academic abilities, health concerns, or social/emotional issues which are interfering with their success in school. WJUSD may provide support services to students who are experiencing difficulties through the use of Student Study Teams, which are available at each school site.

What is a Student Study Team?
A Student Study Team (SST) is a general education school-based, problem-solving process. The team is designed to help teachers and parents develop effective classroom intervention plans. The process used to develop these plans includes the identification of student strengths and needs, data-driven concerns, and research-based interventions that address those needs. The interventions are documented and monitored to determine their effectiveness. Once the plan has been implemented for some time, the team reviews the student's progress and determines if additional modifications are necessary.